Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Aly and ate Gabbi's sharing station at mom and dad's house in Tagaytay.  They gave out chocolates and pencils to our kid neighbors on New Year's day.
Kuya Moe was there too!  He was in charge of inviting the kids over.
She had fun sharing with the other kids.
Today, when we were walking back to the apartment from school, Aly told me: "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a principal in a school for poor kids so they don't have to pay."  Great idea, babe!  
Curious, I asked her how she came up with that idea, but she told me that she forgot.  That's ok.  It's the thought that counts, right?  You see, one of the things that I always teach her is to share her blessings.  It goes without saying of course that she should be thankful for whatever blessings she receives, but more than that, I also want her to learn how to share.  While her "grown-up" plan changes every so often -- she once told us that when she grows up, she wants to be a chef, a restaurateur (she even had a hard time saying that!), a teacher...this is the first time I've heard her say that she wants to be someone so she can help other people.  I love that!  And I love the fact that Aly remembers the things that I taught her.  I know some concepts might be too big for her to grasp, but what she said to me this afternoon is just the kind of reassurance that I need.  It tells me that we are heading in the right direction.

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