Friday, November 26, 2010

Beautiful Day

 Bright and cheery: that's my Aly.  I've been told more than once that my daughter is beautiful and that she has a great smile.  She really is a happy kid :)
This morning, when we stepped out of the elevator into the parking lot, we felt the cool "Bangkok winter" breeze.  Aly told me, "It's a beautiful day, mommy."  Intrigued, I asked her, "What made you say that, babe?"  She said, "Because it's windy."  The way she said it -- so innocent and sweet, made me believe that even the simplest things like the cool morning breeze can make your day beautiful.  It's like my 7-year old was teaching me to be thankful even for the smallest of things.
It's a beautiful day
don't let it get away
- Beautiful Day,U2

Thursday, November 25, 2010

One More Year

April 1, 2008: Richard's first day at work.
Richard's assignment in Bangkok has been extended for another year.  Yay!
When we arrived here in March 2008, we were expecting to stay for only two years.  Then, we were given an extension until March 2011.  Just this week, we were able to confirm that we'll be staying until June 2012!!  So from two years, to three years; three years to four years; four years to ?  We don't know that yet, but we're hoping for the best :)
Thank you, Lord for Richard's work and thank you for all the blessings.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy: Father and Daughter Bonding

Richard helping Aly with her plastercast crafts kit.
I love it when these two do things together.  I'm usually pakialamera, but times like this, I'd rather step back and watch.
While Richard was mixing the plaster, I heard Aly say: "Thank you, daddy for helping me."  I didn't see it, but I imagined that she hugged him at the waist after that.  She's sweet and appreciative like that.